Brian Writes in:
First off I wanted to say I love your site. The bike porn you feature
always gives me inspiration. So much in fact that I finally get to
submit my ride and story!
I looked for a vintage Ducati for years here locally in Seattle. Last
year one finally turned up, a 75 860 GT. The price was REALLY right and
local so I immediately wrote the guy thinking either the bike was gone
or something as it was simply too good to be true. The ad stated a box
of parts and all documentation going back to the 70s came with it. I
went out to see it, and indeed it was all true. Bought it right then and
there. Took it home and started doing some research. It was cafed pretty
early on in it's life. I saw in a DIOC newsletter index the story of a
cafed 860, turned to the page, and saw my bike! Looking exactly as it
looked then, except for a few new additions.
I am actually taking it back to stock now but thought it would be a neat
story to post up on your site. How it got from California to Seattle is
a mystery. Fantastic bike to ride and sounds like a terror with the
authentic Conti pipes!
Outstanding! Thanks Bryan!
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